Friday, June 25, 2010

What's new about neo-cons and neo-libs?

Listening to a rather dry interview with author of Running Commentary and his vapid explanation of how Jewish liberals became Neoconservatives.

The argument is that Jewish Conservatives are new to the movement and distinct from it.

New liberalism was the catalyst for the split because of it's differences with classic socialism.

However both of these positions lack depth.

Conservatives welcome what Jewish intellectuals add in terms of analysis and theory. Of course simple participation in the cause is strong enough.

When have liberals been something other than statists? What this preceding view of liberalism demonstrates is that Reagan Democrats, Blue-Dog Democrats became disillusioned. It is not the ideology that changed but the truthful understanding of people that changed.

Financial Blackmail is no different

Loan money in bad loans or we will shut you down.

Push product to hit sales quota or we will fire you.

Avoid paying the full tax burden or we will break you.

Lie to me or I will despise you.

These are the same use of authority and positional power.

One person makes a losing game for another person out of an existential threat.