Friday, April 7, 2017

Who is responsible?

Again and again this double standard in the media points out a deeper agenda at work with the liberals. We're past the point of holding them to a standard of hypocrisy because they have no principles to violate.

If Syrian army underlings attacked and killed civilians with Seren gas should you hold Basher al-Assad responsible? If Susan Rice requested and disseminated unmasked surveillance on Trump officials should you hold Obama responsible? The acts of an administration are that of the president, and the acts of a government are that of it's leader.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The top 10 reasons Priority's year-by-year 2000 2017

When you set the premise of a argument then you determine the outcome. When you say diversity is a big issue then you set up the solution as more diversity. However that circular and logically fallacious. If diversity is a problem then the solution is homogeneity. If more diversity is bad then less diversity is good.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How to defeat liberalism

Rush Limbaugh today discussed the article on The Civil War is here by Daniel Greenfield on front page magazine. regarding liberalism without principal. It's no longer the Pockrus he because it's not within the system, their methods are antiauthority and if your power to rule over all. They're willing to destroy whatever it takes to attain their goals. It is a Civil War that's currently taking place.

Subsequently, Rush was questioned by an audience member about his inversion of prior claims about the relationship between liberalism in the media. The question is, is liberalism and arm of the media she's me. Is the democrat party the arm of the media, or is the media and arm of the Democrat party?

This color astutely asked what are the implications of this change in the framework for understanding liberalism. it is apparent that in order to defeat Democrats we must defeat the media. I have frequently offered my recommendation to boycott the media. However, let me take my suggestion is that further. The goal is not just a star for media, because they are funded by democrat donors. It must be to disentangle the media from its current perch. We must lambaste the academic credentials of media companies. We must unseat universities in these positions of authority. And, we must find a way to destroy these corporations where they stand. The media is the rotten corn in the onion. The media is the fountainhead of pollution. The media is the fuel that burns the flames of liberal hatred.

At the end of the Civil War go shooting of surrender will be the medias acquiescence to the current order of the day. Until the media so beaten and bloodied that it gives up on its quest to destroy trump Republicans and conservatives, the battle still rages on. This war will end when there are no more live options for the media to promote his agenda.

What is fair when it comes to revealing skeletons in the closet.

Donald Trump seems to be uniquely capable of attacking the media and using their own techniques against him. During the campaign his use of surrogates including the National Enquirer to smear Ted Cruz is an example of the type of warfare that is necessary to win elections. I am disgusted by the state of our country when it comes to the politics of personal distraction. That said gladiators in the rain battling lions and cheaters can only fight one way. In this case Donald Trump is fighting for us not against us. I would love an imaginary world where it's not necessary to smear your competition, that World does not exist. In the real world I'd rather have someone fighting on my side, no matter how dirty the fight is, instead of someone dying for principles and bleeding out on the ground. That person does us no good.

Unfortunately, I think Ted Cruz probably falls in the category of a murder. And while I love murders when it comes to my church, we don't need murders when it comes to our political party and aspirations as a people. The stakes are too high and the situation is way too tired for someone to and pillow themselves on a spear or submit to burning oil. Tearing of flesh by lions does not advance Our political idea logical and constitutional cause.

Protect cruise it's like playing chess against somebody else that has additional pieces on the board. You take their night and he simply replace it with the bishop. You take their queen and they get a new one. That's with going up against the media Democrat government academic Hollywood complex is like. And unless you're willing to battle them tooth and nail bloody and dirty you cannot defeat. I didn't see any clear indications that Ted Cruz was going to fight that way in the primary. This gives me can Searne that he wouldn't have been able to handle it in the general and certainly not as president. However in stark contrast Donald Trump was and is a streetfighter. And that's what's needed in our country today.

Likewise, because the media has extra pieces on the board they're willing to leak information through media sources to disparage distract and destroy anyone in the Republican Party. Whether it's a violation of law, ethics or simple to Coram nothing will prevent the Democrats from the low blows and punches to the grind that typically do real conservatives. Look at the way they attack marriages sexuality and families to destroy conservatives and Republicans. It's too easy to say that we need our politicians to be above board and above reproach. I agree, however you're still playing a game against an opponent that will stop at nothing to destroy you. And eating our own rather than circling the wagons the way Democrats do has proven ineffective to advance are needed reforms and regain our necessary freedoms. It is too far gone to stand on principle alone, the hill that I'm willing to die on is behind us. And right now we are advancing on the enemy.

This disproportionate asymmetrical war of information puts us at a disadvantage. We have no investigative reporters that are able to dig the way Woodward and Bernstein did in Watergate or liberal Democrats have done from Reagan to Bush and now to trump. However, when it comes to breaking the law Donald Trump benefits from the lawlessness of other nations and individuals when it comes to abiding by our electoral standards. Even if there was no collusion I guarantee that Donald Trump welcomes the packing and disseminating of true democrat collusion and corruption through WikiLeaks and other websites. That is the counterpunch to the liberal media complex.

It may be unfortunate that we come to a state of affairs where abiding by the laws of disadvantage. We need to get over that, this is warfare and they are doing whatever is necessary to win. Therefore, the rules in any fight or stop by the aggressor. And we need to counter back with our own changing rules of engagement when it comes to use a foreign intelligence gathering through a variety of means.

This may sound like situational ethics, however there's a difference between calling something wrong and recognizing its usefulness. Generally speaking it's wrong to kill people, but in warfare it's necessary. Generally speaking I would avoid shutting innocent life, but if enemy combatants use women and children as human shields it is their fault when their families die. And I'm willing to do what's necessary even if it includes collateral damage. And I'm not going to blink and I shut it here or lose a wink of sleep when it comes to the consequences of their actions. There are many situations where something that is generally wrong becomes needed given circumstances. We can answer for those Ella fax. People with a conscience will feel the sting of their decisions. However I can look myself in the mirror and recognize when I'm willfully pursuing the utilitarian line of the ends justifying the means, when I do finally ends as accomplishing a political agenda. Instead, when our end goal is promoting liberty freedom and personal responsibility, the nature of warfare in the revolutionary war the Civil War and World War II demand tough man make hard choices. We face the same consequences to in action today as our ancestors have in the past. There is no excuse for the milquetoast spineless weakness that allows our enemies to destroy us.

Instead, we must do anything and everything that's necessary to destroy them.

Data back up supporting government claims

Watching Fox news Sunday this last weekend and EPA director, Price. Chris Wallace dutifully trucks out a bunch of Obama statistics, obviously inflated, to support the clean air and water act. The fact that like so many Washington bills and theirs names are lies, but the statistics and data that they have manufactured from thin air needs to be addressed.

It's surprising that time price wasn't better equipped with counter fax and arguments supported by data and statistics to overpower the numbers that are put on the screen. This is a very similar situation to the CBO scoring of the repeal and replace Bill, the American healthcare act. Replacing the again deceitfully named Affordable care act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, is important. But the CBO projects that 14 million people that will lose coverage. And that top line number drives the liberal media story.

Therefore, when it comes to fireman regulations numbers need to be Gartner to support the claims of the Donald Trump administration. Numbers like 1 million jobs will be created by reducing this regulation that does not create or endorse pollution. The limited pollution that currently exists includes 200,000 particulate matter per 1 million air molecules and at 20% we are well below the range of pollution that meets the threshold for clean air standards. Therefore these regulations are excessive.

Likewise, when it comes to healthcare the same user data and statistics needs to be applied to demonstrate that Obamacare resulted in increases of premiums upwards of 100%. This reduces the effective care of the people receiving and over 50,000 people have suffered additional illnesses and diseases as a result. Over 1 million people have not received coverage they need because of Obamacare. In addition, 50 million people will receive improved coverage as a result of the repeal and replace bill.

All of the numbers above can be adjusted, and data back up and statistical analysis needs to be performed to generate numbers in similar slots. All I'm saying is that you can only compare false data with true data. And you can't be caught off guard when you're going to throw numbers at you. You need to get out the tennis racket and bat the ball back with better numbers and figures and statistics that support your claim. PR is a battle of numbers and The story behind the numbers. Therefore, once you defuse the bomb that the media is detonating, you can counter with your own facts and figures.

Then tell the story about how these numbers become real people in real lives. That's the key.