Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How to defeat liberalism

Rush Limbaugh today discussed the article on The Civil War is here by Daniel Greenfield on front page magazine. regarding liberalism without principal. It's no longer the Pockrus he because it's not within the system, their methods are antiauthority and if your power to rule over all. They're willing to destroy whatever it takes to attain their goals. It is a Civil War that's currently taking place.

Subsequently, Rush was questioned by an audience member about his inversion of prior claims about the relationship between liberalism in the media. The question is, is liberalism and arm of the media she's me. Is the democrat party the arm of the media, or is the media and arm of the Democrat party?

This color astutely asked what are the implications of this change in the framework for understanding liberalism. it is apparent that in order to defeat Democrats we must defeat the media. I have frequently offered my recommendation to boycott the media. However, let me take my suggestion is that further. The goal is not just a star for media, because they are funded by democrat donors. It must be to disentangle the media from its current perch. We must lambaste the academic credentials of media companies. We must unseat universities in these positions of authority. And, we must find a way to destroy these corporations where they stand. The media is the rotten corn in the onion. The media is the fountainhead of pollution. The media is the fuel that burns the flames of liberal hatred.

At the end of the Civil War go shooting of surrender will be the medias acquiescence to the current order of the day. Until the media so beaten and bloodied that it gives up on its quest to destroy trump Republicans and conservatives, the battle still rages on. This war will end when there are no more live options for the media to promote his agenda.

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