Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Data back up supporting government claims

Watching Fox news Sunday this last weekend and EPA director, Price. Chris Wallace dutifully trucks out a bunch of Obama statistics, obviously inflated, to support the clean air and water act. The fact that like so many Washington bills and theirs names are lies, but the statistics and data that they have manufactured from thin air needs to be addressed.

It's surprising that time price wasn't better equipped with counter fax and arguments supported by data and statistics to overpower the numbers that are put on the screen. This is a very similar situation to the CBO scoring of the repeal and replace Bill, the American healthcare act. Replacing the again deceitfully named Affordable care act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, is important. But the CBO projects that 14 million people that will lose coverage. And that top line number drives the liberal media story.

Therefore, when it comes to fireman regulations numbers need to be Gartner to support the claims of the Donald Trump administration. Numbers like 1 million jobs will be created by reducing this regulation that does not create or endorse pollution. The limited pollution that currently exists includes 200,000 particulate matter per 1 million air molecules and at 20% we are well below the range of pollution that meets the threshold for clean air standards. Therefore these regulations are excessive.

Likewise, when it comes to healthcare the same user data and statistics needs to be applied to demonstrate that Obamacare resulted in increases of premiums upwards of 100%. This reduces the effective care of the people receiving and over 50,000 people have suffered additional illnesses and diseases as a result. Over 1 million people have not received coverage they need because of Obamacare. In addition, 50 million people will receive improved coverage as a result of the repeal and replace bill.

All of the numbers above can be adjusted, and data back up and statistical analysis needs to be performed to generate numbers in similar slots. All I'm saying is that you can only compare false data with true data. And you can't be caught off guard when you're going to throw numbers at you. You need to get out the tennis racket and bat the ball back with better numbers and figures and statistics that support your claim. PR is a battle of numbers and The story behind the numbers. Therefore, once you defuse the bomb that the media is detonating, you can counter with your own facts and figures.

Then tell the story about how these numbers become real people in real lives. That's the key.

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