Thursday, October 15, 2020

From Fox News - Twitter locks official Trump campaign account over sharing Hunter Biden video

Despite your cynicism and weakness, we give these slimy politicians cover to do the right thing when we demand it. If we stay silent or only criticize them rather than encourage them to pursue justice then we endorse evil behavior. By standing up for the truth in your daily life, with friends and family We The People can demand accountability from politicians and extract justice from these Big Government kleptomaniac frauds and Big Tech liars and Big Finance thieves and Big Media charlatans.

If you really care about our nation you would hate this level of tyranny, propaganda, and control. Instead you rave about fake threats from King Trump as if he is the dictator these power hungry cheaters want you believe he is. You are being controlled, break free. If you really cared about the Constitution you would defend it from Horono, Harris, Coons, Booker, and Klobuchar attacking a wonderful justice in Barrett. You would support Trump and the DoJ and Congress removing the 230 status from Facebook. And prosecute voter fraud, intimidation, And election rigging. You would oppose court packing, liberal state adding,  and eliminating the electoral college. Instead you Twiddle your thumbs as our nations is prepped for flames.

Twitter suspended the official account of the Trump campaign on Thursday, saying Team Trump's tweet calling Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden a "liar" and posting a video about Hunter Biden's business dealings is a violation of its policy.

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Best regards,
Dr. Jeff Darville 
Brevity due to mobile device
Sent from my iPhone

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