Monday, October 19, 2020

Hours after Barrett referred to 'sexual preference,' Merriam-Webster deemed the phrase 'offensive' | Just The News

Hours after Barrett referred to 'sexual preference,' Merriam-Webster deemed the phrase 'offensive' | Just The News
Who knew how flexible, nimble, and agile a dictionary could be... 

Hours after Barrett referred to 'sexual preference,' Merriam-Webster deemed the phrase 'offensive'

Just hours after Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett used the term "sexual preference" during her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, longtime American dictionary company Merriam-Webster officially deemed that phrase "offensive."

On Tuesday, under questioning from Sen. Dianne Feinstein about Supreme Court precedent regarding LGBTQ rights, Barrett told the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee: "I have no agenda, and I do want to be clear that I have never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference."

Barrett was later criticized by Sen. Mazie Hirono over the use of that term, which the Hawaii Democratic senator described as "offensive and outdated."

Barrett also received criticism on social media and commentary websites over the phrase. 

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