Thursday, October 15, 2020


You are going to sit silently while throat-slitting terrorist pirates hijack our country. Here is another impeccable AMG article you will dismiss if you even read it (it's short, don't worry). This is what I've been talking about. What have you sent me? Insults about cults and Kool-aide, Washington Post articles, and denials that the Dems could possibly be this mendacious. I don't know what else to tell you, but I will try to help you see the truth. 

Democrats Are Done with Democracy

October 14, 2020

After a century of progressives hollowing out our constitutional republic from within through their administrative state governing philosophy, their patience has finally run out.

In spite of controlling nearly every major institution in this country, in spite of the massive and sprawling bureaucracy they've created to enforce their will, the ignorant masses still do not understand what's best for them—and in 2016 dared even to elect the Big Bad Orange Man. So progressives have decided enough is enough: now the peasants must submit. They must force us to be "free." This messy democracy and our constitutional republic are wildly inconvenient and Democrats are done pretending to abide it. 

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