Friday, October 16, 2020

Saving the Soul of America

Saving the Soul of America
I'm sick and tired of the moralizing language these liars perpetuate - as if Biden is "saving the soul of America" when he's destroying it and Trump is sarcastically called Messiah and Savior by cultists, when he's doing everything he can to protect our nation. The best definition of evil is accusing someone else of doing the evil that you did. That's Satan's MO: did God really say? Satan the accuser slanders God as a liar as his forked tongue spews lies. 

Saving the Soul of America


Saving the Soul of America

By Gene Van Shaar

The theme of the Joe Biden campaign is: "Saving the Soul of America." Over and over he has said that he is fighting a battle to save the soul of the nation. His official website declares it and his campaign even sells T-Shirts, stickers, and mugs saying that he will restore America's soul. Many of his associates have repeated the same mantra.

Saving the Soul of America has a nice ring to it and many well-meaning people have jumped on the Biden bandwagon. But before anyone joins that parade, they ought to know where it is headed. Exactly how does Biden define The Soul of America and how is he planning to save it?

Copyright © 2020 by Gene Van Shaar


Gene Van Shaar is a freedom fighter and pro-Trump writer. He has written many articles and books including Pillars of Truth and Freedom, My Life and Lessons, Freedom and The Obama Debacle, The Freedom Saving Series, and The Scriptural Insight Archive.

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