Friday, October 16, 2020

The Last Copier in the Woods Arrives Sooner than Expected :: SteynOnline

The Last Copier in the Woods Arrives Sooner than Expected :: SteynOnline
Remember the Constitution? and the Bill of Rights? included in the 1A is freedom to say and do what you think and believe. Don't tell me you love the Constitution when you are unwilling to raise a finger to do anything to stop these people from taking over our nation and destroying it. And don't give me that Flight 93 Qannon accusations ever again: it's not a conspiracy to point out coordinated efforts to deceive and control us. Is Satan a conspiracy theory? Really, answer that question. 

The Last Copier in the Woods Arrives Sooner than Expected

UPDATE: If you're wondering why we haven't linked to the column below from our Twitter account, it's because we're unable to: every time we try to tweet it, we are informed that "Twitter is over capacity". "Social" media are the new Stasi.

UPPERDATE: The tweet is now there. But as media bigwig Yashar Ali notes:

Why does it feel like there's some DOS style attack on multiple platforms? Everything feels glitchy and slow everywhere.

Indeed. It's almost as if something is underway... Herewith the column:

What you need to know

Biden did not push out a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son, The Washington Post confirms.

So you don't need to know the original New York Post story because there's nothing to see: Jack Dorsey has "confirmed" that the charge that Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired is "misinformation" - even though Biden himself is on tape bragging about it:

There is no dispute of the central fact that Biden got the prosecutor fired. But on Twitter that fact is "misinformation", and so has to be banned. Also banned from Twitter are pictures of Hunter Biden relaxing with his crack pipe:

So you're free to see the photo below of Bathtime for Bozo ...but only in London's Daily Mail, not on platforms from the Land of the First Amendment:

If Lindsey Graham and Martha McSally and the Republican Senate survive on November 3rd, so be it. But those of us who've expended our energies dragging this useless political party across the finish line every two years need to get serious about redeploying our fast depleting resources into fighting on the turf that matters. We are well past the eleventh hour.

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