Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Comments on higher education

Very interesting series of comments.

Brett bakerSeptember 17, 2020 6:13 AM
But what's the alternative? Put White Boys from flyover country into places held by people who had "testing assistance"? Holocaust 2.0, with spinning bowties to boot.


tublecaneSeptember 17, 2020 6:24 AM
Modern civilization, it turns out, is not all about sitting still at work, weird new sexual practices, and off-putting art. It's also about pesky things like manners. Which are difficult to adopt but easy to erode.

Most of the world probably thinks Anglos deal with strangers the way they do because they're suckers. Certainly Jews think that way, or did in the recent past. That's why those people can't have nice things like the Anglosphere has.


TroushersSeptember 17, 2020 10:24 AM
Manners are civilisational adaptations aimed at counterbalancing negative behaviour from the lower rungs of the socio-sexual hierarchy.

In a mannerly society even a gamma male could expect displays of respect from oher males. They were also taught the limits of acceptable behaviour and punished for stepping out of bounds.

This produced a society in which the frequency of i.e. petty gamma rage was minimised for the benefit of all.

MJSeptember 17, 2020 11:05 AM
Yes, see Cuddihy's "Ordeal of Civility" for an in depth look at how Jews and catholics struggled to fit into Anglo protestant cultural and social norms.


ParallaxSeptember 17, 2020 6:39 AM
My sons were told by their American Government prof, who is either a resident or brand new immigrant, that the Constitution was written for, not just by, rich white men. The irony of this coming from him can only be described as intentional. They aren't even attempting to hide anymore. The Long March continues. Fortunately neither bought what he was selling. Homeschool or perish.


LazarusSeptember 17, 2020 6:40 AM
The report sheds light on the Chinese government's vigorous attempt to penetrate the K-12 system, mirroring its infiltration of college campuses through the Confucius Institute.

As Q periodically points out: Infiltration, not invasion.

The Epoch Times has been beating this drum for years.


Stryker4570September 17, 2020 6:44 AM
Years ago, I was marveling at the ability of Vietnamese students to show up an American Colleges, unable to speak English, and graduate at the top of their class four years later. A friend of Chinese descent, scornfully pointed out that Asians and their 'cheat groups' were engaged in what was popularly called 'cooperative education', which basically amounted to what we had been taught our entire lives was academic cheating. Not 'doing their own work' but copying each other's papers and cheating on tests, etc. They worked to beat the system. It seemed like every year there was a scandal as 'students' were caught cheating on their SAT's or sharing stolen copies of standardized tests.


DourCdnSeptember 17, 2020 6:29 PM
Anyone taking a test at university even in late 80s esrly 90s coukd see the overt cheating. It seemed if you exchanged answers in a foreign language the procters ignored it and looked the other way. At least here un the great white north.


John RockwellSeptember 17, 2020 6:49 AM
"Immigrants from those cultures may or may not work hard, but one of the things at which they work the hardest is cheating."

Another barrier of entry and excuse for deportation that the Trump Administration can work at.

Really gonna do us a world of good.


John RockwellSeptember 17, 2020 6:51 AM
Is it Christianity that over time reduces said behavior?

Or is it the Environment of Northern Europe that enforces selection for fair play and good sport. And other such things?


tublecaneSeptember 17, 2020 8:32 AM
@John Rockwell- Look also to more recent times.

What is Modern Times to you? One definition I've read is that modernity is increasing specialization. We all used to live where "everybody knows your name." Nowadays, we run into strangers all day. You can't interact the same way under those very different conditions.

English civilization arrived at modernity gradually. In the meantime it developed manners to go with that way of life.

Other people, like Jews and the Irish for instance, were thrown into this state with their old clannish mindset intact. One might say they never adjusted.

Not to say the English were the only ones to adjust. The country against which it fought two world wars, for instance, has its own modern manners.

DourCdnSeptember 17, 2020 6:32 PM
Its how homogeneous the population is, but at same time how civil and unclannish the society is. Christianity is a necessary but insufficient factor.


JamesB.BKKSeptember 17, 2020 6:52 AM
When an applicant has provided a writing sample, it can be useful to observe the reaction and response to the question, "Did you alone write this?" together with the observation, "Neither of us will be happy if you didn't."


buwayaSeptember 17, 2020 6:59 AM
There is a lot of cheating, and organized cheating, going on in China and India. But I call BS on the implications re US-resident SAT, or the idea that the Chinese aren't all that.

I have been tracking the California (Star), Texas and other achievement testing programs since @1995. I was a commenter on the regression models used in the California program. Also the NAEP. Public policy stats, especially in education, were a hobby of mine. These are (or were) meant as quality control for the school systems, and not used for student advancement. There is nothing personally at stake in these. Chinese/Asian performance in those tracks with SATs.

Personal experience - I finished Engineering as one of the very few "white" guys in a class of mostly Chinese. That was over 40 years ago. I know these people from years being up close to them, across the study group table. They are formidable. I am proud to have survived all the E-school choke points in competition with them. This is still the case in US Engineering schools.

You are correct up to a point re H1b corruption, and the games some foreigner play in getting into US schools, but that is a small slice of the student body, and mostly used by talentless rich mens kids to get into mediocre US schools. Its not easy for fakers to survive in a good Engineering program.


Zeroh TollrantsSeptember 17, 2020 8:14 PM
I wish that your Chinee buddies would've boiled you in a pot, Cocker Spaniel style, and served you up on a bed of rice.

SaintSeptember 19, 2020 7:59 PM
You're lying to cover yourself or in denial, crocodile.


LazarusSeptember 17, 2020 7:05 AM
At the turn of the last century, a prominent Rabbi wrote an explanation of the impetus for Zionism (which I shared on SG) In it, he wrote that the Jews had done better under the Roman God Mercury than under Jesus.

I had to look up what influence Mercury was purported to have. Turns Mercury is:

Son of Maia and Jupiter; god of profit, trade, eloquence, communication, travel, ,trickery and thieves.


JCSeptember 17, 2020 7:09 AM
I've experienced the exact same thing and also know people who have. My brother was studying for an exam relating to an IT certification and his subcontinent competitors weren't shy about asking him if he had access to the answers. He studied and passed while they shared around a copy of the test and passed. Then when it comes to hiring they'll lie shamelessly in interviews about skills and experience they don't have. And now as is happening at Microsoft, they'll start gate-keeping for their own once they're in control.

Similar in Australia with the Chinese students. In Year 12, they'll study Chinese as a "second language" subject which gives them an easy A and loads of extra study time over the native competitors. And as is shown here, they're probably not even passing their other subjects legitimately.

In University the foreign students are paying top dollar to get green cards and the Universities are naturally reluctant to discourage more from coming by holding them to academic standards.

It goes along way to explaining many of our current social woes with so many unqualified and deceitful cretins getting elevated over the honest hard workers.


CrewSeptember 17, 2020 7:11 AM
Speaking of sub-Saharan African ancestry:


Here, we apply genomic methods to show that the proportion of African ancestry in many Southern European groups is 1%–3%, in Middle Eastern groups is 4%–15%, and in Jewish groups is 3%–5%.


JohnnySeptember 17, 2020 7:11 AM
Going by my brief exposure to Chinese, when they can they push the most able guy forward to represent the group. He will be genuinely intelligent but not typical for the population.


buwayaSeptember 17, 2020 7:16 AM
The Chinese state of mind -
When I figured out the Chinese were different - a Chinese friend of mine (ended up becoming an Engineering prof at AZ State) was my partner in a finals paper. We were driven out of the library early for some dumb reason. He said we could get an empty apartment from his dad, who owned several apartment buildings. We went to see him to get the keys. We found him at his tinsmith shop (making sheet metal components), in his shorts and flip-flops, working a press at midnight. This was a man worth many millions. Those are the Chinese.


EvstratiosSeptember 17, 2020 9:28 AM
Yes good observation and i have to say personally i like those guys. The oldest, richest Chinaman i have met, responsible for significant perhaps majority triad business in north america, drove a 93 toyota corolla. Extremely well-mannered and pleasant to speak with.

Primary promethean problem is they, white market or black, and whatever nationality have had free reign now for some time in our neck of the woods. Cheating is just a way of life in most of the world, academics being just the salt sprinkled on the meal.

Zeroh TollrantsSeptember 17, 2020 8:20 PM
I've been importing steel from Asia, (mostly China), for 20 yrs. They are corrupt to the bone.
Reading these NAXALT romantic-sounding tales of individual experiences is gross.
I'm currently only buying steel from Vietnam. They aren't as corrupt and produce better products.

EvstratiosSeptember 18, 2020 3:25 AM
Then you missed the point. It doesnt matter how humble, rich, or pleasant, they shouldnt be here and be able to do whatever they want, buy whatever critical infrastructure they want and so on.

I also prefer Vietnamese and they love north america generally but youre still buying from the country. Go ahead and try to export your product back to Vietnam and see how far you get and how much you need to pay without friends in high places and get back to us.


Sargent.matrimSeptember 17, 2020 7:19 AM
The same thing is happening here.

I want your prediction, Vox, that Australia will be a satrapy of China by 2050 to be wrong, but our Prime Minister's response to the unrest in Hong Kong was to invite Chinese to live here and do business. Not surprising at all when you read Silent Invasion by Clive Hamilton.

I suspect before long that China's influence here will be similar to the Promtheans influence in the US. In fact I think China have learnt a few tricks from the Prometheans. And Australians won't even acknowledge that influence. Well many won't.

Our universities here are Chinese training grounds, training for how to rule their new South China sea empire.


VDSeptember 17, 2020 7:19 AM
I call BS on the implications re US-resident SAT, or the idea that the Chinese aren't all that.

And I call Identity Crisis on your comment. The Asian immigrant can't bear the idea that Asian immigrants are not, in fact, as smart as they are supposed to be. Quelle surprise. Only one of the many reasons you have to go back.

I finished Engineering as one of the very few "white" guys in a class of mostly Chinese.

You're Filipino, are you not? You're not white.

That was over 40 years ago.

40 years ago, some of those immigrants might have actually been smarter than the norm. But they haven't been for at least the last 20 years, as testified by those whose experience and observations are considerably more recent than yours.


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