Tuesday, September 22, 2020

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Newscaper312September 17, 2020 11:32 AM
I taught as a full time CS university instructor for 6 years in the 2000s. The group cheating problem is very real, with Chinese, Indians, Arabs, the lot. Part of it is literally at the tribal or family level. Answer to the question of why the one or two smart guys carries a bunch of moochers is that back home the moochers family now owe the producer, which debt he may use to get some favor down the road.


PratisaraSeptember 17, 2020 7:23 AM
>>Let's not even get started on the complete corruption of Indian test-taking, in which it is common for the smart one of the extended family to take the tests on behalf of all of his brothers and cousins

I am a born and bred Indian and have NeVER heard of this. In fact, the opposite is true. The extended family is always trying to pull you down to their level!!

Clannishness in Indians is limited to people from the states of Gujarat, Kerala and Andhra. That too, only within subgroups in those states.

If the British system of hard work and intelligence was so vaunted, why the hell did they have to invade and colonise India for her riches?

Like all immigrants, the first wave of Indians that came were really smart, hard working and innovative. We also worked cheaper. Looking at this track record they mistakenly opened the floodgates around 1998 and the riff raff started coming in and giving the rest of us a bad name. Hence the anger against H1B's.


Brett bakerSeptember 17, 2020 8:45 AM
Why did so many Indians fight for the British?

Newscaper312September 17, 2020 11:37 AM
When I was a new university CS instructor around 2003, I sat in 9n another instructors for a class I was going to reach next semester. Will never forget the scene when she was returning graded programming projects and had two with the same, Indian, name.
One guy gave the other his project to copy, and #2 not only copied the code (not even renaming variables or anything to obscure the fact), he copied all the accompanying write-up too. Literally just printed the other guy's files as-is, including the cover sheet.
Most brazen example, but not uncommon at all.


Mr.MantraManSeptember 17, 2020 7:24 AM
A poster at Sailer's says he is a test prep coach or something like that, yeah he is or was always posting about Asian cheating. As long as a white liberal had another white to scold and bully Asian cheating was ok, but now that the little darlings of liberal white privilege are being aced out of the slots you will suddenly see some pushback like the idiot Ivy schools controversies.


rikjames.313September 17, 2020 7:27 AM
I teach as an adjunct at a lower tier university. It is an open joke that Chinese and Indians openly plagiarize and only hire each other for tenure track in their departments.

Contract compliance tracking requires a lot of checklists and tracking, but isn't hard. So Indian 'legal companies" like quislex do most of that now. About 10 years ago there was a real push to also move legal document discovery review to the highly educated and credentialed Indian lawyers. That stopped quick when everyone found out Indian lawyers get through school and their bar exams based on corruption and tribal links. Most of them can't handle anything like legal work, even the easier stuff


Zeroh TollrantsSeptember 17, 2020 8:25 PM
It's not funny, so how can it be a joke, and why haven't you, or your fine educational compatriots, stopped it?


VDSeptember 17, 2020 7:33 AM
I am a born and bred Indian and have NeVER heard of this. In fact, the opposite is true. The extended family is always trying to pull you down to their level!!

Then you are either stupid or you are lying.

If the British system of hard work and intelligence was so vaunted, why the hell did they have to invade and colonise India for her riches?

Looks like you're just stupid. The British invaded India for her natural resources. The people they found almost useless.


PratisaraSeptember 17, 2020 7:58 AM
That sounds a lot like: who are you going to believe? Me or your own lying eyes.
Extended family in India sucks, just like the rest of the world. They are jealous, conniving and looking for any weakness to bring you down.
As for the British, if they thought Indians were stupid why did they have to pass so many anti-competitive laws from 1820's onwards? Stupid people cannot compete.
British did not see Indians as useless. They deputed them all over the empire,especially to east asia and Africa to run their local governments. Kamala Harris grandfather was one such person who worked in Africa for colonial England.

ShakeySeptember 17, 2020 9:37 AM
Just because your extended family are all corrupt and stupid doesn't mean ours are.

EvstratiosSeptember 17, 2020 10:01 AM
Prati, take a step back for a second and repeat after me, exceptions do not prove the rule. As you well know theres more than a thousand languages spoken in India, today. A genetic pool of one billion produces alot of exceptions, in every direction. As did the India of 1820. It is a fascinating place and one of my favourites for various reasons being honest but monolithic it is not and neither honest. Frig just going from delhi to sonipat i saw a half dozen albinos walking on the side of the road. How many albinos do you see regularly in north america? Ever heard of baksheesh come on man! Cheating is a national pastime and you know it.


Jose MiguelSeptember 17, 2020 7:38 AM
@2 tublecane

Forgive me, but considering how the chosen have played Anglos since my ancestors kicked them out, can you blame others for considering y'all suckers?

@7 John Rockwell

I think both. My experiences in the motherland taught me that Highlanders were far more trustworthy than Costeños, on average. But not anywhere as trusting as North West Europeans.

I have trouble trusting people I see that can be easily taken advantage of, the Americans I have befriended are suspicious of outsiders so I like and respect them even more.


tublecaneSeptember 17, 2020 8:18 AM
@Jose Miguel- I am not in fact Anglo (Scottish, Irish, German, and Swiss), though I was raised in a culture largely derived from England.

Does the downfall of the WASP mean they were suckers all along? No. Viruses can bring down healthy men.

Not that the WASP was healthy when the chosen took over. But they did build this country. And not even Rome lasted forever.


Nathan BrunoSeptember 17, 2020 7:40 AM
30 years ago, at an identifiable college's math graduate program, I remember watching the Chinese students regularly cheat in this manner - because the faculty did not speak Chinese.

There was a socio-sexual angle to it as well, as the one guy who cultivated the sense that he was a Chinese Erdos (he would wander into classes all day, ask a question of the instructor, then wander out) was the leader of the group; most of the underlings were female. Amazing how one would march into the class with copies of the homework all done, and then there would be copying or just signing the name with the statement that they had the "foreign language tutor" help them write the English.

During the shutdown, I tried one of the popular online platforms to see if anything had changed in my field - not really, but it was fun to think through some things again. You know how they run them - they are all university courses flipped into $49 MOOCs, which means everything will be peer graded. I can't be the only person to have identified that every ten-syllable last name also had the exact same submission to every single project.


VFM #7634September 17, 2020 7:46 AM
Is it Christianity that over time reduces said behavior?

Or is it the Environment of Northern Europe that enforces selection for fair play and good sport. And other such things?

Cheating is simply a form of lying, which is a sin. One of Satan's titles is "the Father of Lies".

The peoples who were Christian longest tend to cheat least. The only "eugenics" is that which happens naturally when a population is Christian.


TetroSeptember 17, 2020 7:52 AM
Chinese and Koreans don't even really think 'cheating' exists. They call it 'helping.'


rikjames.313September 17, 2020 7:53 AM
Pratisara wrote:Clannishness in Indians is limited to people from the states of Gujarat, Kerala and Andhra. That too, only within subgroups in those states.

So why was it when we were retaining a law firm in Bangalore the CVs they emailed over had the education level and career of their parents' and had the lawyers' blood types?


PratisaraSeptember 17, 2020 8:10 AM
You know there are Gujaratis, Keralites and Andhra people in Bangalore, right?


Ariadne UmbrellaSeptember 17, 2020 7:55 AM
Let's see, the Indian chemistry students who all wrote up their lab reports from an inherited lab report? They didn't care- they had already been accepted at some regional medical school. They didn't even do the lab, could not read the procedures or results. The white students felt awkward and tired- we'd stayed up studying and writing and doing the lab work, and the Indians had bright eyes, cleanly typed reports, immense confidence.

I deliberately go look for straight white male doctors. I want the ones who know what they are doing.

Or the Chinese engineer who couldn't fix his car. He was an engineer. He had a good engineering job. He had a fancy sports car. My neighbor, who maybe didn't finish high school? had to repair his car because the Chinese engineer could not read his car care manual.

Versus every white American engineer with a crappy car all the way through school and afterwards- those student loans- and the car runs beautifully, made from zip-ties, bubble gum, and third-hand parts?


buwayaSeptember 17, 2020 7:56 AM
I've just retired from a long engineering career (35 years) in the US. I know what Im talking about re engineering programs.

See also re the state tests and the NAEP. There is no reason to cheat on these.

NAEP 8th Grade Math summary-


Every other similar no-stakes achievement test series is just like this, and they track high stakes tests like the SAT and GRE. I can point you to others if you like.

Both the high achievement AND the cheating are simultaneously true. These things are complicated.

And, retired, I am no longer in the US, permanently. Some of your commenters may be pleased on that account, I suppose. I agree with you that the US is headed for a crisis, so I have extracted what assets can be, and I have a lifeline out for the kids. The best "prepping" is a passport out.


jkmackSeptember 17, 2020 9:09 AM
Buwaya, do you think chaos will not reign on foriegn lands when the calming influence of empire is removed?

Zeroh TollrantsSeptember 17, 2020 8:34 PM
@Buwaya said:

I am no longer in the US, permanently. Some of your commenters may be pleased on that account, I suppose. I agree with you that the US is headed for a crisis, so I have extracted what assets can be, and I have a lifeline out for the kids. The best "prepping" is a passport out.

These people will always tell you who they really are, just give them the opportunity.
Wretched refuse, indeed.


CMSeptember 17, 2020 7:59 AM
Lazarus wrote:At the turn of the last century, a prominent Rabbi wrote an explanation of the impetus for Zionism (which I shared on SG) In it, he wrote that the Jews had done better under the Roman God Mercury than under Jesus.

I had to look up what influence Mercury was purported to have. Turns Mercury is:

Son of Maia and Jupiter; god of profit, trade, eloquence, communication, travel, ,trickery and thieves.

On another blog, we were just noting how the Rod of Asclepius (which is the Serpent in the desert) as portrayed as a medical symbol, is actually the rod of Caduceus (Mercury's Rod). These two symbols are completely mixed up on our culture.


SillonSeptember 17, 2020 7:59 AM
I had the pleasure to work with some magical Indian geniuses who write magical things like: (0=0 or 'n'='n')

I can understand why all major USA corporations want them so desperately and all of IT has to be outsourced to India ASAP.

/sarcasm off

Any project where large number of Indian IT personel is involved works because there still are a couple of western guys telling them exactly what they got wrong, what they need to do, and how to troubleshoot problems.

This has been my personal experience for 20 years now.


PratisaraSeptember 17, 2020 8:12 AM
Right on! 20 years. Like I was saying, riff raff started coming in from 1998 onwards for the y2k effort. It was all downhill from there.


rikjames.313September 17, 2020 8:00 AM
Nathan Bruno wrote:During the shutdown, I tried one of the popular online platforms to see if anything had changed in my field - not really, but it was fun to think through some things again. You know how they run them - they are all university courses flipped into $49 MOOCs, which means everything will be peer graded. I can't be the only person to have identified that every ten-syllable last name also had the exact same submission to every single project.

At the public university I teach undergrads at, we use a tweaked version of Sakai. I use the setting that all submissions, papers and tests, go to turnitin automatically. All my tests are open book and note.

No matter that I tell the students, it is on the syllabus, and I put it on the instructions for the tests and papers, at least twice a semester someone plagiarizes, usually black, Indian, or Middle Easterner.


VDSeptember 17, 2020 8:04 AM
I agree with you that the US is headed for a crisis, so I have extracted what assets can be, and I have a lifeline out for the kids.

Smart. Especially since the groups to which you belong are likely to end up on the short end of the stick.

That sounds a lot like: who are you going to believe? Me or your own lying eyes.

Literally no one believes you, Pratisara. No one believes anything that an Indian says about Indians, especially another Indian. And everyone in the tech industry know exactly what I'm talking about.


buwayaSeptember 17, 2020 8:10 AM
"The British invaded India for her natural resources."

But the creators of the colony made their money by tax farming, not natural resources. Clive got rich through extortion of Bengali landowners. The later Raj lived off taxation, not resource exploitation. And the biggest sink of later British industrial investment in India, besides the railroads, was the textile industry.

The only significant natural resource bits were tea and opium planting, in which one needed cheap labor as much as land.


Ariadne UmbrellaSeptember 17, 2020 8:10 AM
#27, the cheating and the high achievement are complicated?

No. No they are not. With whites, you get the high achievement without the cheating. Or the honest mediocre achievement, and the plan to do better, or not, honestly. You know what you are getting.

With anyone else, you get the frosting, and not the cake, and no plans to make a decent cake. It works shoddily, about like plumbing, sewage, dam-building, animal husbandry, environmentalism, virus research, cough medicine production, you know? anything else in the third world: shoddily, and not well, and finally dangerous to the West.

It's not complicated.


VDSeptember 17, 2020 8:17 AM
Like I was saying, riff raff started coming in from 1998 onwards for the y2k effort.

That always happens. The very first wave of immigrants are among the best and boldest, and once they tell their friends and family that everything is all right, everyone else shows up.

Then, to everyone's surprise, it turns out that importing X-ians turns the place into a replica of X. The correct thing to do is to keep the initial invaders out, because their top priority is always replicating more of their own kind, however inferior.

Which is why they have to go back. And since they won't go nicely, at least a century of war is inevitable before Post-America becomes whatever it will become.


PratisaraSeptember 17, 2020 8:58 AM
100 years? What's that in internet time?
The world is changing too fast to extrapolate current feelings to generations down the line.
The children of Indian immigrants in America and the rest of the west are out marrying at the rate of 70%. Mostly with whites, but also with some Asians, Blacks too. I know for a fact that my great great grand children will pass of as white. There will be no Indianness left to deport them. Moreover, they are joining the defence sectors, administration sectors in large enough numbers. And they are truly conservative, not cuckservative.
When Trump said he has more Indians on his side than Kamala, he was right in so many ways.
Nobody's going back. The best thing to do would be to shut down immigration for a couple of generations. Trump is already tightening the screws.


Zastavnik DžemoSeptember 17, 2020 8:17 AM
To all the Indians and Chinese.
Consider the faith of Germans and Japanese in the USA during the WW2.
They got put into concentration camps and all their businesses and property was sold by USA government to Jews for pennies.

Extract your assets while you can.


peacefulposterSeptember 17, 2020 8:21 AM
at least a century of war is inevitable before Post-America becomes whatever it will become.



SillonSeptember 17, 2020 8:24 AM
tublecane wrote:Modern civilization, it turns out, is not all about sitting still at work, weird new sexual practices, and off-putting art. It's also about pesky things like manners. Which are difficult to adopt but easy to erode.

Most of the world probably thinks Anglos deal with strangers the way they do because they're suckers. Certainly Jews think that way, or did in the recent past. That's why those people can't have nice things like the Anglosphere has.

You couldn't be more wrong, the average Anglo population are almost ridiculously naive when it comes to dealing with people from outside their borders.

I'm generalising here but Anglos can't even entertain the idea that their government is selling them cheap, can't entertain the idea of being replace, can't entertain the idea of everybody who's not anglo taking advantage of them, etc.

And that is why the tribe absolutely controls the Anglo world, both USA and UK are under absolute tribe control to a level you can't even perceive.

The entire culture has been judaised, they have even changed the rules under your feet.

The amount of people who realise any of this is very small.

I do not blame the Anglos, heck it took me decades to begin to understand the level of social and cultural indoctrination we're being subjected to.

And each time I think I've reached the bottom it gets deeper and deeper.


tublecaneSeptember 17, 2020 8:45 AM
Surely that's how it is *now*, but the civilizing process takes centuries. So count the times when the Englishman held the whip hand.

The end result of Anglo culture was to make the Anglosphere the premier world power. For a time.

Not too sure other kinds of people are any better at dealing with outsiders. Except insofar as they keep them out. Which admittedly Anglos should have done.

But do note English-Americans are a very small portion of the U.S. population. They used to be the ruling class and damn them for giving it up. But now you have Irish and Germans, Italians, Russians, Swedes and Norsks, all manner of white America being suckered. What's their excuse?

Then there's overseas. Where the New World Order has a firmer grasp. Could Germany for instance be more cucked?

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