Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Principle vs Power in Politics

On Fox News Sunday Karl Rove used the quote from Casablanca from Captain Renault, "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" Are we really shocked that there is politics in politics - whether the nomination of a SCOTUS judge of anything else? Tom Cotton and Chris Coons flip-flopped their views on SCOTUS nominations. "They are such hypocrites" the dunces in the media yell at their respective targets. 

But, here is the kicker, Chris Wallace then says it is never about Principle only Power in politics. As if some principle dictates when and for whom a nomination is allowed. As if the Constitution says anything about filibusters and judicial committees and character assassinations. We expect people to act morally. We expect our institution to be governed by ethics. And that is exactly what Democrats have abandoned. There is no higher principle to American governance than Biblical Truth. And the Bible has nothing to say proscriptively about SCOTUS nominations. And, acting like the Constitutional use of power by Trump and McConnell for the benefit of our nation by nominating an originalist Christian judge is any other than an act of principle is not only deceptive and wrong but evil. 

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